Home destroyed, pets die in Christmas night fire

CLEARLAKE, Calif. – A home fire on Christmas night in Clearlake destroyed the structure and claimed the lives of three pets.

The fire was reported shortly before 10 p.m. on El Camino Real, according to Lake County Fire Assistant Chief Willie Sapeta.

Firefighters were dispatched and on the scene within seven minutes, Sapeta said.

Sapeta said he responded along with an engine, water tender, two medics and a total of 20 fire personnel.

When they arrived the older doublewide mobile home was 50 percent involved, he said.

“We had control of it in about 45 minutes,” he said, adding that firefighters had mopped up and been released from the scene within two hours.

He said they were aided in fighting the blaze by the fact that a fire hydrant was located just across the street.

Neighbors told firefighters that they thought the woman who lived in the home was there when the fire broke out, but Sapeta said three complete searches yielded no sign of her.

Firefighters did, however, find two dogs and a cat that died as a result of the fire, he said.

The home was destroyed, said Sapeta, noting that what the fire didn’t damage the smoke and heat did.

He said the cause is still under investigation.

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