Daylight savings time ends Nov. 6





LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – This Sunday, Nov. 6, Californians will be rolling back their clocks as daylight saving comes to an end.

Cal Fire and fire departments across the state are reminding residents to replace the batteries in all smoke alarms as well as their carbon monoxide alarm when they change their clocks.


“We recommend changing the batteries in your smoke alarms twice a year,” said acting State Fire Marshal Tonya Hoover of Cal Fire. “While you are spending a couple minutes to change the time on all your clocks, it’s so easy just to add an extra minute to ensure your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarm all have fresh, new batteries as well.”


According to the National Fire Protection Association, roughly two-thirds of home fire deaths occurred in homes without working smoke alarms.

Working smoke alarms increase the change of surviving a home fire by 50 percent.


For decades, firefighters have used the time change as a reminder for residents to change their smoke alarm batteries. This year, officials are adding carbon monoxide alarms to their message following a new state law requiring all single-family homes have a carbon monoxide alarm.


Cal Fire has the following tips on smoke alarms:

Find more information visit the Cal Fire Web site at

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