REGIONAL: Thompson leads call against Bay Delta Conservation Plan

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA – The North Coast's congressman is concerned about the possible negative impacts that could result from the new Bay Delta Conservation Plan.

Congressman Mike Thompson (D-St. Helena) on Tuesday again voiced his concerns with a plan that would take water away from the Delta region.

Joined by Representatives George Miller, Doris Matsui, Jerry McNerney and John Garamendi, Thompson met with Jerry Meral, the deputy secretary of the California Natural Resource Agency, to express his grave concern over any Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) that could adversely affect the Delta Region. Meral is the senior state official who oversees the BDCP.

“Needlessly rushing the scientific review of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan is simply irresponsible, and that is what I told the Bay Delta Conservation Plan officials today,” said Thompson.

“We know all too well the consequences of bad water policy combined with impractical deadlines,” Thompson said. “In Humboldt and Del Norte counties, expedited review of the Klamath River project resulted in the death of 68,000 Chinook Salmon. Are we really considering walking down the same road again? We need sound, science-based solutions that don't harm our wildlife or environment."

The year 2009 saw the lowest return of Sacramento fall-run Chinook on record – less than 40,000 adult fish, a decline of over 90 percent from the historical average of 450,000, according to Thompson's office.

Low returns have resulted in the closure of the salmon fishery and the loss of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in the fishing industry.

Beyond its importance for fish, keeping enough water flowing through the Delta is also essential to maintain habitat used by millions of migratory birds along the Pacific Flyway and the associated economies which generate billions of dollars for the state each year, Thompson's office reported.

This excessive water diversion harms the wildlife and ecology of Delta and the economies that it drives.

“I will continue to be a strong advocate for the people of the entire Delta region to ensure that the water resources we need remain in place,” said Congressman McNerney. “Steps must be taken now to ensure that the BDCP serves the best interests of our region, and insisted that the voice of the Delta be heard.”

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