LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The East Region Town Hall, or ERTH, will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 5.
The meeting will begin at 4 p.m. at the Moose Lodge, located at 15900 Moose Lodge Lane in Clearlake Oaks.
The meeting will be available via
Zoom. The meeting ID is 813 6295 6146, pass code is 917658.
On the agenda are discussions about a Cal Recycle grant and illegal dumpsite cleanups, and the General Plan and Shoreline Area Plan update.
They also will get updates on the commercial cannabis report, Cannabis Ordinance Task Force and Spring Valley, and Supervisor EJ Crandell will give his monthly report.
ERTH’s next meeting will take place on March 5.
Members are Denise Loustalot, Angela Amaral, Holly Harris and Maria Kann.
For more information visit the group’s
Facebook page.