McGuire: Looking forward to another banner year for Lake County agriculture


A recent article highlighted in the Press Democrat and our local press entitled “Lake County’s 2015 crop value surges past $100 million” was an eye opener!

Lake County’s Agricultural Commissioner, Steve Hajik, reported, “It’s the first time ever over $100 million.”

Our top three producing and selling crops – pears, winegrapes and walnuts – make up the bulk of our agricultural success.

This feat not only puts us on the map but makes us proud. Agriculture and its support businesses constitute a large segment of our local economy, providing not only crops but jobs.

The harvest that results in this success is now under way.

Pear sheds are open for business and advertising for seasonal workers at good wages. Labor contractors are organizing their seasonal employees. Local farmers and ranchers are monitoring their orchards and vineyards and readying their equipment and labor housing with optimism for another successful harvest. Vegetable farmers are proudly selling their bounty at local Farmer’s Markets.

During the harvest months of mid-July through November local traffic not only increases but is frequently dotted with slow moving farm equipment, large tractor-trailer rigs and long semis. All this increased activity requires both patience and appreciation from our community.

We are confident that your ongoing support will help make this year another banner year for Lake County agriculture.

Lori McGuire is a member of the Lake County California Women For Agriculture board. She lives in Lakeport, Calif.