Sunday, 02 June 2024

Comstock: Wholehearted support for Supervisor Jessica Pyska

I am writing this letter to express my wholehearted support for Supervisor Jessica Pyska, who is seeking re-election as the District 5 supervisor.

My association with Jessica goes back to her early years, when her mother, Karen Jennings, and I served together on the Middletown School Board. I saw her graduate high school, leave for college, and then return to Cobb to start a family with her husband Joel.

The 2015 Valley Fire devastated our community and destroyed many homes, including Jessica’s family’s home.

Serving as supervisor for District 1 at the time, I witnessed Jessica and her family take the lead in rallying their neighbors to rebuild the community. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of Jessica's deep commitment to community service, eventually leading to her co-founding and chairing the Cobb Area Council in 2016 and a successful run for Supervisor in 2020.

Since her election, I have witnessed Jessica's determination and ingenuity in addressing critical, unresolved issues crucial for the county's progress. Her ability to bring together county staff and multiple agencies and secure funding has yielded tangible results.

Jessica's competent leadership has earned the confidence of federal and state leaders, paving the way for the awarding of pilot projects that bring funding, job creation, and the potential for new industries in the county. Moreover, her fearless advocacy for our rural values, rooted in her lifelong experience, is being heard at regional, state, and federal levels.

I have reviewed the endorsement list on her website and see the strong support that Jessica has built — federal, state and local, including many organizations that support the vision that she has laid out for a strong future for Lake County.

In just three years, Jessica has shown she is more than capable of delivering on that vision. I eagerly anticipate the future she is building for all our children and grandchildren.

Jim Comstock served as District 1 supervisor from 2008 to 2016. He lives in Middletown, California.

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