Henderson: Open letter to Brown

This is a open letter to Supervisor Rob Brown.

On Thursday a periodical arrived and within those pages your ad states, "Honest Values" and "Integrity you can trust."

I would suggest you need to open a dictionary, look up the words “honest” and “integrity.” They would not apply to you.

You, after becoming aware county employees lied and covered up those lies, chose not to set the wrong right. You became just one who would deny me my right under the First Amendment in the Constitution.

I quote in part: "To petition the government for redress of grievances" and that right is not to be abridged.

I say you became part of the lies, with the misguided view that, because it's a personnel matter, you do nothing.

There are words I could call you and they would not be honest or integrity. I state what I said is true.

James Henderson lives in Lakeport.
