Bike safety emphasized in May


The California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) is calling upon bicycle riders and motorists alike to be cautious during May, National Bicycle Safety Month, and every other month during the year.

The total number of bicycle deaths in California have remained flat for the last two reporting years, while injuries have increased 4.6 percent.

Encouragingly, deaths and injuries for bicycle riders under age 15 have continued to fall.

OTS partners with other state departments, bicycle advocates and local agencies in an ongoing, multi-faceted campaign for bicycle safety through the California Strategic Highway Safety Plan.

“Bike Month is a great occasion for Californians, whether out with friends or family or on their own, to strap on a helmet, hop on a bike, and see just how fun and welcoming our streets and bike paths have become,” said Christopher J. Murphy, director of the Office of Traffic Safety. "Californians now see biking as a real transportation option. The key is to ensure that biking is safe for everyone."

Bicycles are associated with more childhood injuries than any other consumer product except automobiles.

Child bicycling deaths can increase 45 percent above the month average in the summer. More adults are choosing bicycles, both for commuting to work and for exercise.

Learning how to ride a bike is a rite of passage in childhood, and often reintroduced to adults.

Here are some important things for you or your child to consider before jumping on that bike:

Helmets – Every time, every trip

The right bike

Ride safe

Drive safe